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Sci4Ga Blog

Monthly updates, happenings, and achievements.

September was Something…

August – The Heat is On!

Our Aug events reflected the heat. Learning about energy burden, a hike for foraging, and Icelandic volcanoes! We hope to see you at an upcoming Sept event including stand-up comedy and AI energy use.

A Joyfully Jubilant July!

We began the back half of 2024 by kicking off our Monthly Membership Meetings (join us every 2nd Thursday of the month). And learned about mushrooms and water resources and infrastructure. We are looking forward to seeing you in Aug and sharing the work of our summer interns...

A Fond Look Back at a Jaunty June

2024 is half over! We really packed a lot into the first six months. As we jump into the potentially frought second half of the year, let's conjure up some good images in our heads.

Maycember Madness – It’s Real!

I can’t believe I am writing the end-of-month blog again. The pools are open, the kids are out of school,...

Science for Georgia is a 501(c)(3). We work to build a bridge between scientists and the public and advocate for the responsible use of science in public policy.

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