Science for Georgia is a non-profit that works to ensure Georgia understands, values, and engages with science. We are dedicated to bridging the gap between scientists and the public through training, outreach, and advocating for the responsible use of science in public policy.
Science for Georgia was founded in 2018 because we believe that science can help address Georgia’s largest issues. There are evidence-based best-practices that can create positive change around climate change, food security, health, etc. all of which disproportionately affect BIPOC communities. We strive to open dialogues between scientists and communities where impact can be greatest, so that research can be applied, understood, and conducted equitably.
Management Team

Amy Sharma, PhD
Executive Director

Patrick Ryan
Director of Engagement

Frankie Green
Director of Communications

Michael Czajkowski, PhD
Director of Advocacy
Board of Directors

Alessandra Richardson, PhD, CMPP

Amy Abdulovic-Cui, PhD

Anita Corbett, PhD

Anne Costolanski, PhD

Brandy Wade, PhD
Past Secretary

Denise Reid, PhD

Kandyss Watson

Lew Lefton

Louis Kiphen
Vice-President, past President

Melody Richardson

Priya D’Souza, MPH