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Campus Food Security Summit – 2024

The Campus Food Security Summit is an interactive roundtable that aims to shed light on the often-silent problem of food insecurity on college campuses by bringing together groups, organizations, and individuals who are working in and around Atlanta. It will serve as a platform to share lived experiences, ongoing campus activities and research, and reach out into the greater community.

Through speakers and guided brainstorming, we hope to provide a platform for constructive collaboration where we can pull together our collective experience and resources. There are many passionate people already working on food insecurity, and a critical missing component is collaboration. The event will emphasize the importance of collective action and empower individuals to make a difference in the university setting.

This summit will be focused on active participation with the mail goals of:

  1. Sharing information
  2. Gaining awareness of other food security programs in and around Atlanta
  3. Collectively deciding on one to two unifying actions Sci4Ga will carry forward
Science for Georgia

Summit Information

Date: Oct 24, 2024

Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm
**lunch will be provided

Location: Georgia State University, Student Center West, Room 101, 55 Gilmer St SE, Atlanta, GA 30303 

Check back for parking information and maps.

Tentative Agenda

We envision a four-hour summit with an end result of greater awareness and heightened connections. Most importantly, though guided brainstorming, participants will decide on two actions that can be taken over the coming academic year to address campus food insecurity.

The tentative agenda:

10:00 – 11:00 Introduce the topic via panels and presentations
11:00 – 11:30 Introductions of all organizations and individuals in the room
11:45 – 1:00 Working lunch where groups pick a community-wide action item
1:15 – 1:45 Groups present their ideas and action items
1:45 – 2:00 Wrap up – collectively choose 2 main action items, assign next steps

Interested in Sponsorship? Please reach out to us!

Background Information

Science for Georgia held a food roundtable in Sept 2021. Over 4 hours, approximately 25 people who work in food organizations in Georgia, met, reviewed the state of food insecurity, and identified 3 evidence-based solutions that are short-term steps toward a long-term solution to ending limited or uncertain access to adequate food. 

As a result, we:

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Science for Georgia is a 501(c)(3). We work to build a bridge between scientists and the public and advocate for the responsible use of science in public policy.

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