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July was Really Really Hot

It’s August! School is starting.

In other news – it’s really hot out. Feel free to find everyone who made this joke in January – “Global warming? HA! Why is it so cold?” And ask them how they feel about it now. Also – NOAA nailed this in 2019. Check out this tweet – I mean X?

Even if the aliens did cause it – we still can fix it. Join us for some Climate Survival Training!

Speaking of personal action, our fabulous interns are closing up shop and returning to school. We will miss them all. They’ve done so much for us. Science Lookup is improved. We have an Environmental Justice map. We hosted an Environmental Justice & Climate Protection conference. Coming soon will be a conference wrap-up, a follow-on fireside chat series, a Break Up with Plastic toolkit, and guides on #SpeakUpForScience and starting a Science Ambassador group.

A huge thank you to our amazing interns!

Come and see a presentation on the amazing EJ map at our Aug 26 Atlanta Science Tavern. Can’t make it? We’ve joined the 21st century and this AST will stream on YouTube and Facebook.

What happened in July? Well – we stayed cool by hosting some amazing Science Trivia at Manuel’s Tavern.

It highlighted questions from our other way to keep cool – the Scavenger Hunt to the Sea.  

The Hunt is still on. There is still time to qualify to win a $250 REI gift card and check out our cool stops.

And now that we are sliding into fall – it’s not too early to get your 2023 Sci.Tober Fest ticket! It’s going to be at the Emory Hatchery and featuring Dr. Dennis Liotta. We are super excited for our fifth annual night of nerd networking.

Stay cool. Break up with plastic. Win a $250 REI gift card. And see you all at SciTober Fest!

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Science for Georgia is a 501(c)(3). We work to build a bridge between scientists and the public and advocate for the responsible use of science in public policy.

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