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Standing Up for Science

On March 7th, Science for Georgia joined advocates all over the country in Standing Up for Science.

We were even quoted in the Atlanta Journal Constitution. 

It was a great day to be seen and heard, and especially poignant for us. Sci4Ga has its roots in the March for Science Atlanta. We are Science for Georgia so we can ensure that Georgia is for science. But we still have work to do.

History seems to be repeating itself, but now we are better prepared. We have advocacy tools and programs so that you can get out of the lab, into the street, and more importantly, in front of policymakers to make your voices heard.

90% of life is showing up. Please join us and continue to be present.

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Science for Georgia is a 501(c)(3). We work to build a bridge between scientists and the public and advocate for the responsible use of science in public policy.

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