(it also made us very tired…)
Every year we know March is going to be tiring, and no matter how much we prep and plan, it is still very tiring. But we did some amazing things and we are proud of all of them. And we are grateful for everyone who contributed to their success!
All the legislative outreach
Starting with the best news – on Mar 18 – HR 650 which would establish a study committee on literacy instruction – passed the Georgia House 130-0. This resolution was the result of what we learned from the Education and Workforce Speaker Series and corresponding Roundtable. Sci4Ga got some seriously marvelous shout-outs in the day 31 floor speeches (starts at 45:25).
On Mar 14th and on Mar 30th Science for Georgia staff, interns, and volunteers participated in Georgia Water Coalition’s Capitol Conservation day. Armed with information, volunteers fanned out across the capitol to speak with legislators about the following bills. Two are good. Two are bad. Two are still alive. Alas, the alive and good Venn Diagrams do not overlap.
- HB 1289 – Ban Mining Near the Okefenokee – stalled in committee
- HB 1150 – The “Bad Neighbor Bill” – still alive
- HB 467 – 50 years of groundwater monitoring near Coal Ash storage pits – still alive

On Mar 23, Amy Sharma spoke before the House Ag and Consumer Affairs Committee (remarks begin at 1:06) about SB 573. This bill would establish a Food Security Council to look at the problem from all angles and bring all opinions to the table about solutions that would move the needle toward increasing food security.
All the events – thank you Atlanta Science Festival
This month we had four events, all linked to the Atlanta Science Festival. Our two in-person events SOLD OUT! Thank you for making us a huge success…
On Mar 14th we hosted an online forum on #speakupforscience where we went over how the GA General Assembly works and how to engage with them effectively. This segued into our booth at the Atlanta Science Expo where we asked people to write post cards to their representatives about SB 537 – Food Insecurity Eradication Act and HB 1298 – Ban Mining Near the Okefenokee.

We collected 200 postcards and hand delivered them to the General Assembly on March 30th.
To lighten and sweeten things up a little, on March 19th, Daniel Sussman and Michael Czajkowski gave an amazing encore presentation about the Physics of Ice Cream. Ice cream was eaten (thank you to Butter & Cream for offering waffle cones). And soft matter physics was understood. Mainly we smashed Jell-O with hammers.

And to show we don’t take ourselves too seriously, on Mar 23rd we hosted our 2nd annual Science Jazz Hands: A night of Science Stand-Up Comedy. Special thanks to Zoo Atlanta for providing an amazing venue (first use of their theatre since Covid). Eight scientists were trained by the amazing Dr. Lew Lefton in the science of stand-up and we learned about everything from poor use of PPE, prison chemistry, diabetic mice, mansplaining science, and superheroes. It was amazingly funny. Huge thank you to our comics.

Be a part of our upcoming April Amazingness…
Join our Science Catalyzer Network and never missing an opportunity to engage!