November 19th, 2022
7pm – 9pm Virtual via Zoom
This is a Reschedule of our June AST
Climate change is causing increasingly frequent wildfires, heatwaves, and droughts, and the human health impacts of these events are already being felt. While much research progress has been made on the types of exposures and health impacts that can be expected in a changing climate, less work has been done on quantifying who is the most climate vulnerable. By applying a social vulnerability framework, we can better understand climate-sensitive health risks in vulnerable populations in the U.S. Drawing on her work on wildfires and smoke exposure, and allergen induced respiratory events, Brooke will discuss how a social vulnerability framework allows us to address environmental injustices and social equity concerns.

Brooke Lappe is a doctoral student in the Environmental Health Sciences program at Emory University Rollins School of Public Health and policy intern at Science for Georgia. Her research focuses on understanding the links between climate change and human health, infectious disease, and climate policy. She strives to incorporate science communication, environmental advocacy, and activism into her research. Prior to joining the doctoral program, Brooke received her Masters of Public Health from Emory University, completed a Presidential Fellowship at the Environmental Protection Agency, and worked at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
November 19th, 2022
Location – Online via Zoom
7:00pm – Gather on Zoom
7:15pm – Talk start
7:55pm – Q & A