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The Fall 2024 BioLabs Fire

About the BioLab Fires & Chemical Plume in Conyers, Rockdale County, GA, Sept 29, 2024. (Biolab Inc. is the swimming pool & spa care division of GA-based KIK Consumer Products)

Fire Details

  • The most likely cause for the fire is a sprinkler malfunction at 5:00am on Sunday, Sept. 29. The chemicals stored in the plant react when they come in contact with water, and the sprinklers going off caused chemicals to spark.
  • The fire was controlled at 12:00pm, Sept. 29, but was reignited when chemicals were being removed from the building.
  • The AJC reported that after the fire was contained, smoke/gas continued to escape the plant due to chemicals reacting with water that was used to contain the fire.

What was in the chemical plume?

Chlorine, other chemicals, and microparticles were in the plume.

  • Primarily Chlorine. Chlorine is a chemical that is used in disinfectants or cleaning products (such as bleach) and is used to disinfect things such as drinking water and swimming pools. It is stored and used in liquid form. Small amounts are okay (which is why a swimming pool’s chlorine concentration is closely monitored), but large amounts can be highly toxic.
    • At one EPA testing station on Tue, 10/01/24, testing data showed chlorine levels in the air were over 62 times the EPA limit. Georgia Tech professor Sally Ng reported a peak 1,400-times increase compared to regular levels.
  • Other chemicals in the plume include:
  • PM2.5 – category of fine inhalable particles, with diameters that are generally 2.5 micrometers and smaller.

What are short term side effects of exposure to Chlorine gas?

The Chlorine levels detected were over the acceptable EPA limits but were considered a “low level exposure.” Low levels of exposure are still harmful but are not fatal. There are heightened risks for those who are pregnant, children, elderly, and those with asthma or obstructive pulmonary disease.

What should I do if I experience these symptoms?

If you are in distress and/or having trouble breathing, seek medical treatment immediately.

People with nonurgent symptoms can call the Georgia Poison Center to discuss what they should do, and whether they need to seek medical care, at a special number established for this purpose: 404-856-6252.

When in doubt – seek medical care immediately.

What are potential long-term side effects of Chlorine gas exposure?

Long-term health effects are a bit uncertain.

What should I do to clean my house / clothes?

The initial “shelter in place” alert was to close your windows, to prevent the gas from coming inside. The chlorine gas released should have already dissipated by now. Open your windows and doors to air out your house. Wash your clothes that have been exposed.

A history of incidents

Fox5 reported a history of fires at the facility in Conyers

  • A fire in 2004 which forced hundreds of people (or thousands according to AJC) to evacuate from a 10-mile-long plume of smoke and resulted in a $7M settlement2 small fires in 2015
  • A fire in 2020 that the Chemical Safety and Hazardous Investigation Board determined was exacerbated by poorly stacked pallets and materials.

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