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October was Off the Charts!

It’s November! What happened to 2022?

Before I launch into how amazing Oct was for us – I want to remind everyone to vote. It is the single most important thing you can do to shape your future this year. And while you may know there is a Senate and Governor’s race going on this year – there are also tons of local positions on the ballot – which have a greater impact on your daily life.

The official My Voter Page for GA has all the information on where to vote.

Back to Sci4Ga! What a month!

Sci.Tober Fest! It was amazing to see so many people coming out, having a great time, and nerding it up. Big thank you to our sponsor Monday Night Brewing. Our guest speaker, Maria Thacker Goethe, CEO at Center for Global Health Innovation and President & CEO, Georgia Bio, gave an inspirational talk on where she came from and how she creates change. I personally enjoyed seeing so many partners there: Women in Engineering, The Xylom, Citizen Climate Lobby, Women in Bio, IEEE Young Professionals, Amphibian Foundation, Georgia Water Coalition, and Adopt-a-Stream.

October also marked the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act. And while our river no longer catch on fire, we’ve still got some work to do. On Oct 4, 2022, Sci4Ga was pleased to be part of a press conference hosted by Environment Georgia to mark the release of their Wasting Our Waterways report that demonstrates the continued need for the Clean Water Act and a strengthening of its protections. Approximately half our lakes and rivers are still too polluted to allow safe swimming and fishing. 

Watch the FB Live of the Conference Here.

Amy Sharma, Bill Odrey, Jennifer Duenas, and Rep Mary Margaret Oliver speak about the Waterways Report.

What next? We hope you’ll join us for Jurassic Jokes at the Tellus Science Museum on Nov 4th. Science comedy under the butt of a dinosaur. Expect many coprolite jokes!

We were also super pleased to promote some amazing people on our staff. Frankie Green is now our Dir of Communications, Patrick Ryan is now our Dir of Engagement, and Michael Czajkowski is now our Dir of Advocacy. They have been working with us for a while, making Sci4Ga a great place that does quality work, and I couldn’t be more pleased to now have them in new roles continuing to be awesome!

As we sprint into 2023 (seriously – where has the year gone?) we have some amazing stuff planned to kick off 2023: advocacy training, legislative interactions, and, of course, more amazing Science Taverns and fun events.

Thank you for making Science Matter Here!

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Science for Georgia is a 501(c)(3). We work to build a bridge between scientists and the public and advocate for the responsible use of science in public policy.

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