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Marching like a fool into April

Another March, another headache. Please forgive us if we never participate in March ever again. Really, we are dead-tired. It was horrible! Like, excruciatingly hectic. First, we struggled to plan our events. On top of that, people were really mean and didn’t care to engage with science. Other than that, pollen made us super cranky. Luckily, we have concluded that March just isn’t worth the effort anymore. Seriously, next year, count us out.  

Now, read the first letter of every sentence above. 😊 


We entered March with one of our quintessential talks: #SpeakUpforScience! Dr. Amy Sharma rallied our online viewers imparting guidance, wisdom, and examples of how to effectively speak to your legislators about the issues that matter to you! She has given this talk many times over, but we swear she makes it funnier every time… 

We had another showing of A Scoop of Science which is a hit with the kiddos every year! We were very pleased to be indoors this year at Southface Institute with ice cream to enjoy and ponder as our performers Michael Czajkowski and Daniel Sussman, who trained rigorously in Sundae school, walked us through the physics of such tastiness.  

Michael and Amy at Jazz Hands showing off our new merch!
Michael and Amy at Jazz Hands showing off our new merch!

Ah, Jazz Hands. Science for Georgia’s precious science stand-up event. What an incredible cohort who made us all so proud! Science events aren’t just for the kids! We love to bring this always-unique, saucy show for a mature audience!  

All the performers onstage at Jazz Hands!
All the performers onstage at Jazz Hands!

Then of course, we had the Atlanta Science Festival send-off event, tabling and engaging with the public. We heard all about the issues our fellow citizens are facing in their communities. We are collecting this information to formulate our next steps in saving the world with science! 

ASF booth where Amy and our volunteers are proud of her science haiku!
ASF booth where Amy and our volunteers are proud of her science haiku!

Something new and special occurred this month too. Spring is a time of prosperity, such as our blossoming partnerships on the horizon! With Georgia Public Broadcasting and Fruitful Community, we co-hosted an event to highlight the inspiring work done in our community to educate and engage Atlanta in an environmentally sustainable future. We left with full bellies and full hearts! 

GPB and Fruitful Community sharing with us about all of their good work.
GPB and Fruitful Community sharing with us about all of their good work.

 Well, how could we possibly top that? We top that with April, which is essentially March 2.0! Let’s get environmentally friendly with a whole new list of Earth month events to look forward to. Check out our events page for details and sign-ups, or view this flyer below for partner events we will also be participating in. Until then, we wish you a very foolish day! 

April Earth Month Events
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Science for Georgia is a 501(c)(3). We work to build a bridge between scientists and the public and advocate for the responsible use of science in public policy.

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