Welcome to September!
66 days until Election Day. Did you make a plan to vote yet? Do you tire of campaign ads already? Georgia keeps us on our toes with election laws – I encourage you to check the Sec of State’s My Voter Pager to double check you are registered. GA My Voter Page
August was hot hot hot.
We had an unairconditioned Energy Burden event…which left us feeling the burn in multiple ways. Click here to learn about why your power bill has jumped almost 50% in the past year.
Hazel led us on a summer foraging foray into Davidson-Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve. Much foraging knowledge was learned. Many electrolytes were lost.
Finally, our indoors GSJ may have been airconditioned, but the topic was on fire: Volcanos in Iceland!

We said goodbye to our fantastic group of Summer interns. And we welcomed our Fall interns. Look for data maps, legislation session wrap ups, advocacy guides, and more as we roll into the fall.
We hope to see you at
- our monthly Membership Meeting on Sept 12
- Jurassic Jokes – science stand up at Tellus on Sept 13
- And a GSJ on the sustainability of AI and Crypto on Sept 26
I wish you all a fantastic Labor Day weekend!