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Eating Healthy on a Budget

Our diets have major impacts on our health. As a whole, Americans eat significantly less than the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables daily and more than the recommended amount of meat. However, making healthy choices doesn’t have to involve major lifestyle changes. Incorporating more plants in our diets can be easy, delicious, and budget-friendly. Simple changes in our diets, such as switching from white to whole grains, can have big impacts on our health and the environment while not hurting our wallets.

Eating Well

Check out these guides to explore some tips, tricks, and recipe ideas to incorporate more plants into your diet and make some easy switches to more healthy options.

Plant Forward Eating – Quick Tips Plant Forward Eating – Full Guide Healthy Food Swaps – Flip Cards

Gardening at Home

The freshest food you can eat is food that you grew at home. Starting a garden is a great way to spend time outdoors, learn more about our environment, and have fun with the whole family. This guide will show you what you need to get started!

How to Start a Home Garden
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