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July Was Jumpin’

The dog days of August are upon us, but I guess, thanks climate change, this summer has been a hot, sticky, mess for a while now.

And while every time you get a news alert you may feel a bit helpless – at Science for Georgia – we’ve been focusing on what we can have an impact on. And now – we need you! Aug 16, 11:30 – over lunch log on to hear a roundup of the 2021-22 General Assembly Session and then provide input on what you’d like to see Georgia make progress on. And together – we’ll work toward positive change.

A few weeks ago – we held our annual Board of Directors strategy session. Over some delicious cookies (thank you newest BOD member, Shala!) we discussed how far we’ve come since last year and what we are going to do to make Science Matter even more in 2023. I am very excited about what we have in store.

This year we’ve made great strides – our Edu & Workforce Speaker Series and Roundtable informed HR 650 – and now we are working with a study committee on literacy instruction. Our food security roundtable sparked ideas and actions in proposed policies. And our Environmental Health and Climate Protection Conference has spurred some interesting ideas that we will be sharing as we move into the fall.

While it’s too hot to go outside, and it’s too early for baseball playoffs, I encourage you check out our YouTube Channel and check out all the events we’ve had so far. Maybe something will inspire you!

As we move into the back half of 2022 – we’ve got a lot of cool things coming up! Be on the lookout for greatness:

Aug 22 – Atlanta Science Tavern – Climate Change, Let’s Talk About it!

Sept 24 – Atlanta Science Tavern – Terahertz Imaging!

Oct 18 – SciTober Fest – ITS BACK!!!

We hope you’ll join us.

And, as always, we couldn’t be here if it weren’t for you. We appreciate your involvement in Making Science Matter Here and we appreciate your monetary support so we can keep lighting a candle and not just cursing the darkness. Remember, Deuterium level donors get VIP tickets to all events!

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Science for Georgia is a 501(c)(3). We work to build a bridge between scientists and the public and advocate for the responsible use of science in public policy.

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