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ST&T: The General Assembly and the Waters of Georgia

Feb 27. Noon. Virtual.
Kevin Jeselnik, General Councel at Chattahoochee Riverkeeper

Ever wonder how the legislative process works? Want to learn more? Want to be a part of the process and advocate for change?

Watch the presentation here!

Join Kevin Jeselnik, General Councel at Chattahoochee Riverkeeper and leader on the Georgia Water Coalition Legislative Team. He will provide an overview of a typical year at the Georgia General Assembly works (NOTE: 2021 will not be typical). He’ll then provide information on the GWC, their legislative priorities, and effective engagement. 

Take Action

Check out the Protect Georgia Site for letters you can write or things you can do to protect the waters of Georgia!

Download Kevin’s amazing slides.

Check out this sheet from Fulton County Library with more resources.

Special thanks for Fulton County Library System!

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