May 14th, 2022
12pm – 2pm
In Person
Location: Georgia Wildlife Federation, 11600 Hazelbrand Rd NE, Covington, GA 30014
Join Sci4GA and Dr. JT Pynne for a walking tour of the Georgia Wildlife Federation’s working forest and learn about the forest management experiments being run in Georgia’s biome.

Georgia Wildlife Federation is working towards building and educational working forest as a model for habitat management types in the state of Georgia. An educational forest is one that involves some sort of experimentation and manipulation to show what can be done. A working forest is one where people are actively involved in managing it and utilizing it. Historical management of land involved prescribed fires and forest structure manipulation for agriculture, wildlife, or land management. Our model forest received its first fire in over 80 years in March 2022, which sets up the foundation for restoring a healthy, biodiverse forest for wildlife. As a part of our experimental side, we have 6 “blocks” including a grassland, a wetland, one that will be treated with fire and herbicide, one that will be burned every 2 years, one that will be burned every 3 years, and one block that will remain unmanaged. This will show what different management options does to wildlife habitat and structure.
Speaker: Dr. JT Pynne, Private Lands/Wildlife Biologist at Georgia Wildlife Federation
JT is born and raised in Georgia, and got his B.S. in Environmental Science from Samford University, M.S. in Biology from University of West Georgia, and his PhD in Wildlife from University of Georgia Warnell. JT is currently the Private Lands and Wildlife Biologist for Georgia Wildlife Federation, where he uses his wildlife knowledge to design habitat management plans. His passions outside of wildlife include foraging for edible plants and mushrooms, and, especially because his job involves a lot of time in the woods, listening to music and watching TV.
May 14th, 2022
Georgia Wildlife Federation, 11600 Hazelbrand Rd NE, Covington, GA 30014
12:00pm – Meet for the Tour
12:10pm – Set out