Movement creates friction which creates heat – and we were moving so much we didn’t notice that it was winter. (Or maybe climate change…)
We are hosting 6 interns this spring! We are super excited to have them. Their enthusiasm and excitement make us a better organization.
The Georgia General Assembly kicked off. It is in session until the end of March. And we are off and running.
HB 71 – a bill to prohibit mining near the Okefenokee is ready for you to review and write your representative and senator about. Sci4Ga participated in an Environmental Open House – discussing environmental issues that policymakers should be aware of. Our interns are busy tracking legislation and issues. Be on the lookout for more ways to get involved in helping science have a seat at the table in policy making. Sign up to be a Catalzyer to make sure you receive action updates and alerts.

January’s Atlanta Science Tavern was about beer. And I learned so many things. How to taste beer like a true tasting snob. How hops smell like cat pee (oh yeah – I am looking at you IPA fans – I’ll take my stouts thank you). Want to try this at home? Hold your nose, take a sip (of beer, not cat pee), hold it on your tongue, open your nose – AND BE AMAZED.
Huge thank you to Creature Comforts and Dr. Daniel LePage for this amazing experience. Be on the lookout for a field trip to Athens to tour the brewery.

Looking forward to February and March – I am super excited about further legislative activity, our upcoming AST about exoskeletons, and FOUR ASF events in March. Get your tickets to AST, #speakupforscience, and Jazz Hands! Ice Cream Science is already SOLD OUT!
We need you to make this amazing. Volunteers are needed for all these events.

Have a fabulous February.